I can't agree more on that. And on the "it's" too. Great interview HR! And I thought this part of the forum was dead until my sis asked me to check it out.
And my sister guessed that too. Why has it always have to be her? Dang... like I don't exist in this forum only...
Yes i do intend to come back for good, ermmm i intend to come back right after i graduate....why ah cos i wanna spend time with my loved ones
Errmmm i think in about a year and a half... Hehehe parents is one of them...and also deb No one else wanna ask question?
Who would you like to be? Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? Explain your choice. Crap, sounds like an examination question. LMAO
I rather be Steve Jobs, the person who u didnt list in is Steve Wozniak i rather be Steve Wozniak over Steve Jobs. Why Steve Jobs? Well mainly cause of the way he markets his ideas and i would rather go for Mac over MS
1) How is like being addicted to caffeine? 2) Ever imagine not having anything that contains caffeine for one whole week? 3) How do you like to take your hard liquor? Neat or on the rock? 4) What's the most dangerous situation you've been into? 5) Ever got into a situation where time practically stopped or not moving? 6) Anything that happened in your life that you would like to forget? Sorry this question reminds you of it... nvm, tell us then forget about it...