Ladies and Gents, here's our very own hyper_raider...

Discussion in 'Spotlight!' started by PsYkHoTiK, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    eh whats that suppose to mean?? :shifty:
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    What he means is this is your thread. :mrgreen:
  3. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    narr not only am i stupid i am also blurr :wall:
  4. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    I can't agree more on that. And on the "it's" too. :haha:

    Great interview HR! :thumb: And I thought this part of the forum was dead until my sis asked me to check it out. :doh: :shifty: :mrgreen:
  5. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    And my sister guessed that too. Why has it always have to be her? Dang... like I don't exist in this forum only... :wall:
  6. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    And my favourite question of all...

    When getting married? :mrgreen: :haha:
  7. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    Not yet start thinking of that osso.... :p
  8. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Are you sure? :wicked:

    That's what dating is = a prelude to marriage. :haha:
  9. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    *Sarcasm* Is That Soooo *Sarcasm* We'll get Deb to answer that for you. :haha: :Runs & Hide Behind Adrian:
  10. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    i can say the same thing about you osso :p

    Woi Jeremy wanna die ah
  11. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Err... This thread is all about you. :wicked: :haha:
  12. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    uhhh uhhhh.... :whistle:

    Next question please
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2005
  13. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Do you intend to come back... for good? :wicked:

    If so, when? And why? :wicked:
  14. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    Yes i do intend to come back for good, ermmm i intend to come back right after i graduate....why ah cos i wanna spend time with my loved ones
  15. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Oooh.. When is that?? :think:

    Ahh.. Loved ones... Excepting your parents, anyone else? :wicked:
  16. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    Errmmm i think in about a year and a half...
    Hehehe parents is one of them...and also deb

    No one else wanna ask question? :cry:
  17. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    And also...? :whistle: :mrgreen:
  18. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Who would you like to be? Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? Explain your choice. Crap, sounds like an examination question. LMAO
  19. hyper_raider

    hyper_raider shutdown -h now

    I rather be Steve Jobs, the person who u didnt list in is Steve Wozniak i rather be Steve Wozniak over Steve Jobs.

    Why Steve Jobs? Well mainly cause of the way he markets his ideas and i would rather go for Mac over MS
  20. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    1) How is like being addicted to caffeine? :mrgreen:
    2) Ever imagine not having anything that contains caffeine for one whole week? :wicked:
    3) How do you like to take your hard liquor? Neat or on the rock? :D
    4) What's the most dangerous situation you've been into?
    5) Ever got into a situation where time practically stopped or not moving? :lol:
    6) Anything that happened in your life that you would like to forget? Sorry this question reminds you of it... nvm, tell us then forget about it... :haha:

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