Looking for cameras? Post all questions here!

Discussion in 'Digital Photography' started by Dashken, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. jasperchc

    jasperchc Newbie

    i think i'll go with the Canon PowerShot S2 IS, gonna burn a big hole in my pocket :cry: :cry: :cry:
  2. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Since you're already burning a hole, might as well just make it alot bigger and go for the D70s/350D. *mrgreen*
  3. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    LOL! That's not a bigger hole, that would be a huge hole. :haha:

    Can shop for a new pants after that already... :faint:

    Eh, Jeremy... you got the D70 already is it? :think: :D
  4. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Can't you guess?? :wicked:

    I heard he's already looking for a 80-200mm to shoot girls from a distance. :wicked: :haha: :haha:
  5. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Lies, I tell you, all lies...... *ERMMMMM* :haha:

    Dashky: It comes with an "S" at the back. :)
  6. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    I won't be surprise this came from Jeremy hahaaaaa :haha:

    Anyway, i think is time i start looking for a camera, been using my old Fuji F601 for the pass 6 years :p . The best thing is, it is still work fine just need to do some cleaning on the lens.

    Anyone have any suggestion, for normal use n i do not need to plug n play for lenses no lich like chai brother hehee :p
  7. Falcone

    Falcone Official Mascot Creator

    A lot has happened.....he is turning to the 'light side'.
  8. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    OK alrite :p Just Believe :shifty:
  9. Crazy_BB

    Crazy_BB Newbie

    Hey i found my way to get to know the functions of specifications of the cameras.This forum really rocks!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2006
  10. Das Capitolin

    Das Capitolin Newbie

    Help me buy my next camera :)

    Because my camera was ruined when I fell into the Potomac River during Tropical Storm Ernesto, and because I use my camera for both recreational photography and hardware reviews, I need a replacement very soon.

    I have a 12% coupon and a $100 gift card for Best Buy. The promotional sale ends on 9/4, and will be buying a new camera before it ends; either in-store or online.


    Please give me your suggestions! One request: nothing too small or very large, and nothing too expensive (over $250). My previous camera had a 512MB xD Card that still works, so it would be a plus to still be able to use it, but not a major factor. The 8.0MP Olympus SP-350 seems to be a good replacement, but let's see what you guys can find! Thanks! :arp:


    Nobody had any suggestions, so I went with the Canon S3 IS.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  11. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    im a total newbie in cameras..
    any ideas wat camera shud i get for starters newbie like me ?
    [plz not a fancy looking one or far too beautiful in $]
  12. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    How much are you willing to spend?

    Do you want portability or performance?
  13. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    im not sure dude.. just tat recently i involve much in graphic editing.. some minor editin..
  14. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    lol btw i just joined the site today... feel great about it.. haha
  15. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Unless you are very rich, don't go the DSLR route just yet. I've seen a lot of people getting DSLR because of sudden urge, maybe because of work, maybe because of studies. But until you are really sure about taking photography as a hobby, get a decent prosumer camera first, learn all the basics about photography, then only jump to DSLR when you are financially and mentally prepared. DSLR is not a cheap investment, in fact it's not even an investment.
  16. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    DSLR. . . ? ?
  17. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Digital Single Lens Reflex. In layman's words, camera which allows you to change lens.
  18. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    yeah.. lol blablabla
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2006
  19. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
    2 people like this.
  20. darkbeholder

    darkbeholder Newbie

    yeah.. i tot lens good for zooming?
    [ lol doesnt mean to offend any1 on the previous msg ]:hug:

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