Just got back from the show. OMG great......beyond words. I say this will go down as the best Trilogy ever. Battle at Midas Tirith was awesome. And the way it ended was just great. Too bad they really cut out Christopher Lee's part, didn't even explain what the Ents really did there....
speechless.... gonna watch it again in 12hours time.. speechless... speechless...... absolutely brilliant
WTF! Watched the ROTK and they actually recycled a scene of Rohan where they reverse the playback sequence and you can actually see the smoke chimney sucking smoke back in instead of expelling them. Falcone: The Ents was only there in The Two Towers to foil Saruman's plan and to 'replant' their lost friends.
In the book they mentioned that ents diverted the great river to flood the whole area, that's why it's flooded and wet.
Hey They did, Wat I mean is in the book they spend much much longer time there, doing a bit of explaining, not like the movie, ride all the way there just for a few words and cabut.
in the book, the ents flooded the whole palce... but they stayed there to make sure saruman can't escape and make sure he behaves , stays in orthanc... but saruman voice too sweet... treebeard kasihan him and let him go...
Yup, I know how you feel, the book mentioned the Ents had a large gathering and Merry & Pippin had a baby-sitting Ent. That is why it's very important not to read the book first and catch the movie later and I learned it the hardway by reading Two Towers and a quarter of Return Of The Kings. *Sigh*
Well, that's why I haven read the last book yet......but unfortunately Peter Jackson decide to include one third of the second book into the third installation.
ERM, I read some where that there might be another installment based on The Hobbit book itself but not to sure how true it is. ???
peter jackson is thinking of doing the hobbit... but it is not confirmed yet.... yeah... they included the shelob part in ROTK... they think it's anti-climatic to have it done at the end of TTT.... so they used helm's deep as the ending instead... it's the same for fellowship, we were supposed to only see boromir die at the starting of TTT....
hopefully he'll make king kong the same way he created gollum... but it's a pity we didn't see much of gollum in the third movie ... AH... YES !!! FINALLY... I WATCHED IT !!! OOOH YEAH....IT'S GREAT !! I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN... but cuz i read the book , there are lots of ' should've been better' parts... IMHO aragorn should've played a more significant role.... and they didn't show aragorn / denethor looking into the palantir....
denethor never looked into the palantir in the book-i mean as in he did look in the palantir, but it was not said in the book-i hope you get what i mean(so it won't be shown in the movie), but he showed it before he died