Microsoft Vista Beta 2 Review!

Discussion in 'Reviews & Articles' started by Dashken, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Max_87

    Max_87 huehuehue


    I was trying to install the driver for 6800GT btw. I ended up installing the driver manually.
  2. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    LOL!! That's damn funny!!

    :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  3. Daddyo

    Daddyo Newbie

    Too Much!

    I generally agree with your article on Vista Beta 2. I find XP to be superior. Simpler usually is better. I believe that Microsoft is attempting to secure their software from the user. I use the software to do specific tasks; data manipulation, some games, etc. I often use Windows Explorer to view, find, move, and organize data. Many folders are no longer accessible. The process to change permissions is long, involved, and must be repeated for each folder, and subfolder. The process to view and/or change settings in many areas has been changed for the worse; lengthened, hidden, etc.. There are no clear roadmaps and things are not logically organized.
    With the pretty visuals and the attempts to turn the computer into a jukebox/television, the things that I use the computer for are being phased out, or at least put on the back burner. I downloaded both the 64 and 32 bit versions of Vista Beta 2. They were both SLOW. I like to have as few processes running in the background as possible in order to speed things I am using up. Vista does the opposite. In some cases I can't even be certain what it is doing to require the hard drive and processor to work so much.
    I have this horrible feeling based on the way things are heading that Microsoft might even try to start charging a monthly fee to use it's software for all your internet, media, news, and communications instead of you just purchasing it.. Oops! Did I type that instead of just thinking it? I only had each version installed for a few days before wiping them. They were generally a pain and even if very familiar with them, it still takes more steps and a longer time to acomplish the same old tasks.
    The new Internet Explorer appears to visually be a rip off of Firefox. The one decent thing that was useful was the miniature views of minimized pages as you move the mouse over them. I don't see much else to crow about. Nope... I think I'll stick to XP with a Linux distribution or two on the side.
  4. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    Good evening all...

    I'm going in circles here and talking to myself more and more. I'm going to blame this action on my inability to locate Parts 1 and 2 of the article "Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2". :nuts:

    Dashken had a couple links in his posts pointing to Part 2 and 3, but both lead to Part 3. :wall:

    Any help locating the first 2 parts of this article will be greatly appreciated :clap:

    Always found it less confusing reading the book front to back and not the other way around ;)

    Sorry for the novice behaviour...that makes me grumpy :haha:
  5. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Ahh sorry, it's actually one BIG article... so we posted it in parts. There's no need to go looking for the other parts - it's all in there. :D
  6. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    Thanks so much for the clarification :clap:

    Now I can settle in with a refreshment and read Revision 3 to the article :thumb:

    Can't beleive I've been holding out for the other parts before starting :oops:
  7. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Hehe.. No problem. :D

    The final part's coming up BTW. But don't wait for it. You can read the first three parts! :mrgreen:
  8. 1031982

    1031982 Just Started

    Well, after reading the review, I can say that it seems like a decent OS, just nothing real special. Sure, it's graphically better, and some useful tools are there, but overall, it's just a graphic improvement. The way things have been laid out in places are nice, but an entire OS for that kind of improvement? I just don't see it being worth while. Seems that overall, the ARP reviewers have the same feeling as well. XP does just about everything Vista will do, takes up less space, needs less hardware, and in general allows more flexibility. As said in the review, it's like a 95 to 98 upgrade. All visuals, and minor updates that could have been put into XP.
  9. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    I think the fresh new look and the added features are worth the upgrade...haha...especially when my system is good enough to handle Vista.
  10. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    LOL! I think next time we should use revision instead to avoid the confusion. :haha:
  11. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    Thanks for the heads up, but never fear...

    I'm a slow reader with many refreshments :whistle:
  12. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    :pray: I second that...

    How's 'bout Revision 4 to Beta 2 :roll:
  13. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    LOL!! But it's really not a revision, just additional parts of the review. :D

    Hmm.. Looks like there will be ANOTHER part to the review. A last part left to cover. :D
  14. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    The review has been updated with Part 4! :wave:

    Wanna see what the upcoming Microsoft Windows Vista operating system is all about? Then join jwsk as he takes the latest Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 operating system for a ride and more!


    Link : Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 Review Part 4!
  15. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    Hey Dash, that link goes back to the same starting page:haha: :haha: :wicked:

    I get it now :clap:
  16. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    Well, you'll just have to remember which page you stopped at... :haha: Another release on the way... :haha:
  17. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    The review has been updated with Part 5! This will be the final release. You should continue from page 24. :wave:

    Wanna see what the upcoming Microsoft Windows Vista operating system is all about? Then join jwsk as he takes the latest Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 operating system for a ride and more!


    Link : Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 Review Part 5!
  18. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie da man. Sure have helped this confused one.

    Almost to the point of not being grumpy any longer :roll:

    Off to page 24 :dance:
  19. GrumpyOne

    GrumpyOne Newbie

    After removing the cornfusion, I've finally managed to finish all 5 revisions :clap:

    Very nice article...a 3 thumbs up :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

    I liked the honesty in the viewpoints made about the upcoming Vista. I don't think I want to be an early adopter considering my level of expertise :roll:

    The 3 PCs I have around here are in the AMD 1900+ range with XP Pro and they should stretch a while longer considering the age of my 2 daughters. Maybe ol' Dad will hang his hat with one of those new Intel Macs with OS X for a bit till Vista gets it's whiskers :dance: How many days to Christmas? :lol:

    Got any articles on those floating around ? ;)
  20. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    No problem no-longer-GrumpyOne. :thumb:

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