NVIDIA Tegra - Intel Atom's Silver Bullet?

Discussion in 'Reviews & Articles' started by Dashken, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    It's official. The NVIDIA Tegra isn't just a figment of Intel's worst nightmare. It is now reality. Just a few hours ago, NVIDIA launched the Tegra at the trendy Bando 8 restaurant in the fantastically-corpulent Hsin Kong Mitsukoshi shopping mall.

    The Tegra is an entirely new product for NVIDIA, a complete system-on-a-chip (SoC) for miniaturized computers called Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). This sets the stage for a direct showdown between Intel, the CPU giant, and NVIDIA, the GPU giant; as Intel is going to reveal a similar product called the Intel Atom. Read on and find out.

    Here's a quote from the article :-

    Link : NVIDIA Tegra - Intel Atom's Silver Bullet?
  2. Mac Daddy

    Mac Daddy Pickin' Da Gitfiddle

    That looks good doesn't it !!

    Nice article Adrian :thumb:
  3. Zenphic

    Zenphic Newbie

    Wow, energy efficiency looks awesome for the Tegra O_O
  4. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    Woah, Nvidia is serious now eh..Everything looks smaller and better compare to Intel's Atom..intel is doomed :D
  5. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Wow... nVidia is making processors? Cool, we have another competitor for the UMPC section too! :D
  6. Dashken

    Dashken Administrator!

    NVIDIA Tegra - Intel Atom's Silver Bullet? Rev. 2.0

    It's official. The NVIDIA Tegra isn't just a figment of Intel's worst nightmare. It is now reality. Just a few hours ago, NVIDIA launched the Tegra at the trendy Bando 8 restaurant in the fantastically-corpulent Hsin Kong Mitsukoshi shopping mall.

    The Tegra is an entirely new product for NVIDIA, a complete system-on-a-chip (SoC) for miniaturized computers called Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). This sets the stage for a direct showdown between Intel, the CPU giant, and NVIDIA, the GPU giant; as Intel is going to reveal a similar product called the Intel Atom. Read on and find out.

    Update : In this revision, we have just added a report on the official launch of the Intel Atom processor and its effect on the NVIDIA Tegra's chances of success.

    Here's a quote from the article :-

    Link : NVIDIA Tegra - Intel Atom's Silver Bullet? Rev. 2.0
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  7. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    Wow! Sounds too good to be true, especially the power consumption.
  8. Lacus

    Lacus Newbie

    Yeah..it's cool..I don't mind owning 1 of those Nvidia Terga based AXP phones :D ...When is Nvidia releasing their Terga?
  9. generalRage1982hrv

    generalRage1982hrv ARP Reviewer

  10. The_YongGrand

    The_YongGrand Just Started

    Heehee... they SHOULD put this thing in the EEEPc... or any small UMPC. That could be another fantastic killer coat-pocket PC! :mrgreen:
  11. ZuePhok

    ZuePhok Just Started

    nope atom platform still has the x86 software ecosystem to back it up, which is a huge advantage.
  12. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Yeah, plus Atom is out here right now, while the Tegra is still a long way from reaching our hands.

    NVIDIA can only say that a Tegra-based smartphone will be out by the end of the year. That's about half a year away for the Atom to totally dominate the market.

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