Where do I register to vote?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jeremy, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Judging by how "our" country is progressing, I've decided to do my part as a "malaysian" to vote for our future but how do I go about doing so? Any clues?
  2. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    Pos Office?
  3. strawroot

    strawroot I Lurrrve Panda Biscuit!

    i need to play a part for my country also
  4. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    When is the next vote? Next year? :think:
  5. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    dream on...2008...:wall: :wall: :wall:
  6. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Alright post office it is but when is it appropriate to register as a voter and what should I be bringing?
  7. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    just bring urself and ur IC, they will announce when they set up the counter for registration. I think by mid 2007 ppl will start register, as the "erection" is 2008
  8. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Duly noted then, thank you.
  9. Chai

    Chai Administrator Staff Member

    They will announce and encourage people to register, by then you should know where to vote. :mrgreen:
  10. PsYkHoTiK

    PsYkHoTiK Admin nerd

    I should register as a voter too... :p
  11. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    Ok hehee :p

    Is that mean we register in any post office also can or have to follow our IC address ?
  12. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    i think follow our IC address....damn! i need to change my address!:doh:
  13. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    That mean i need to go back home town post office to register :faint:
  14. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    if home town will be ur permanent add, then better go back there lo, else u can change ur address.
  15. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    You can also vote by mail, if I'm not mistaken.
  16. strawroot

    strawroot I Lurrrve Panda Biscuit!

    year 2008 is a long way ahead.. hehe we will be reminded again by then
  17. elton

    elton WhAtSuPdOc

    Oh... that will be good :thumb: can just justified is a valid vote or not:think: Not sure how is the procedures goes :confused:
  18. doraemon

    doraemon Just Started

    actually this month u can register, heard over radio just now, they launch the "Kembara SRP" they will go state by state for u to register until 29th August 2006.

    sorry..dunno much about the infor....:roll:
  19. Adrian Wong

    Adrian Wong Da Boss Staff Member

    Well, they may hold it earlier if they think the atmosphere is conducive for a party victory. :think:
  20. Jeremy

    Jeremy Black Sheep

    Apparently the rumours was it will be as early as the next independence day or so I believe.

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